myOneFlow Blog

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Virtual Engagement

the future of american job centers

5 min read

The Future of AJCs: Rethinking Accessible Career Services

The rapid evolution of technology offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance the services provided by American Job Centers (AJCs). In this blog,...

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case management for public agencies

5 min read

5 Essential Features of Case Management Software for Public Agencies

As the demands on public agencies continue to increase, they are in need of innovative solutions that can help them work smarter and more...

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2 min read

Double Your Program Capacity by Combining SIS with Case Management

When we talk to adult education providers, we hear the same story time and time again. They use different systems – or worse, spreadsheets – to...

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two adult ed students using myOneFlow

3 min read

Power of Nudge: Using Positive Reinforcement to Increase Program Retention

Adult learners often face unique challenges, such as work and family responsibilities, that make it difficult to stay motivated and engaged in their...

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woman coding on computer

3 min read

10 Cybersecurity Tips for WIOA Service Providers

Data breaches are costly and common. The average cost of a data breach in the U.S. is $9.44 million, and every second, 68 records are either lost or...

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a laptop on a table

3 min read

The Evolving Role of Virtual for a Post-Pandemic WIOA

The COVID-19 pandemic forced WIOA service providers to rapidly transform their operations. In many cases, this meant switching from paper-based to...

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3 min read

How Tech Can Make Adult Education Programs More Equitable & Accessible

Adult learners make up almost 40% of the student population in higher education, and adult education is critical to the overall reskilling and...

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