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Case Management

the future of american job centers

5 min read

The Future of AJCs: Rethinking Accessible Career Services

The rapid evolution of technology offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance the services provided by American Job Centers (AJCs). In this blog,...

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4 min read

4 Reasons to Embrace the Future of Public Service Delivery

Government social services are crucial in supporting individuals and families in need, providing resources and assistance to significantly improve...

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case management for public agencies

5 min read

5 Essential Features of Case Management Software for Public Agencies

As the demands on public agencies continue to increase, they are in need of innovative solutions that can help them work smarter and more...

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trends in adult education

4 min read

5 Emerging Trends in Adult Education

In today’s rapidly changing world, adult educators must be on the cutting edge of education trends to give their students the highest chance for...

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2 min read

Double Your Program Capacity by Combining SIS with Case Management

When we talk to adult education providers, we hear the same story time and time again. They use different systems – or worse, spreadsheets – to...

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a black woman sitting at a small white table with a tablet

3 min read

Top Features You Need in WIOA Case Management Software

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) has offered a world of possibilities for students and adults who aspire to have fulfilling...

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5 min read

The Future of WIOA: Many Providers, One Network

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law in 2014 to replace its predecessor, the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). The...

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wioa case management

3 min read

4 Signs You Need to Modernize Your WIOA Case Management Solution

In an age of sleek software, automated processes, and personalized workflows, we expect a certain level of sophistication from our technology. We...

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