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fiscal and grant tracking

4 min read

Modernizing Grant Tracking for Service Providers: Navigating Fiscal Labyrinth

Workforce development and adult education service providers frequently grapple with the intricate task of fiscal and grant tracking. Juggling funds...

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Unraveling Measurable Skills Gains: How to Simplify WIOA Performance Reporting

4 min read

Unraveling Skills Gains: How to Simplify WIOA Performance Reporting

Measurable Skills Gains (MSGs) are a fundamental aspect of evaluating participant progression in WIOA-funded programs and constitute a significant...

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3 min read

Acing the Audit: The Secret to Stress-Free WIOA Compliance

If you're a workforce or adult ed program receiving WIOA funding, chances are you're audited annually. While the thought of audits might conjure...

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registered apprenticeship compliance guide

Registered Apprenticeship Programs: A Guide to Compliance

To maintain their status and funding eligibility, Registered Apprenticeship Programs must adhere to federally-mandated compliance requirements....

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stacked hands over a table with papers

5-Step Guide to Increasing WIOA Program Retention

Maintaining program retention is one of the leading challenges faced by WIOA service providers. Most outcomes tracked for WIOA performance...

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wioa case management

3 min read

4 Signs You Need to Modernize Your WIOA Case Management Solution

In an age of sleek software, automated processes, and personalized workflows, we expect a certain level of sophistication from our technology. We...

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