myOneFlow Staff

the future of american job centers

5 min read

The Future of AJCs: Rethinking Accessible Career Services

The rapid evolution of technology offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance the services provided by American Job Centers (AJCs). In this blog, we will explore various strategies to expand access points to AJC services physically and through...

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4 min read

4 Reasons to Embrace the Future of Public Service Delivery

Government social services are crucial in supporting individuals and families in need, providing resources and assistance to significantly improve...

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adult ed and workforce organizations collaborating

4 min read

Workforce Development + Adult Education: Collaboration for Max Impact

In today's rapidly shifting job market, the collaboration between adult education programs and workforce development organizations is crucial for...

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case management for public agencies

5 min read

5 Essential Features of Case Management Software for Public Agencies

As the demands on public agencies continue to increase, they are in need of innovative solutions that can help them work smarter and more...

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usdol apprenticeship changes

5 min read

Unpacking the USDOL's Proposed Apprenticeship Enhancements

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has initiated a bold step toward modernizing the National Apprenticeship System with a newly proposed rule that...

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fiscal and grant tracking

4 min read

Modernizing Grant Tracking for Service Providers: Navigating Fiscal Labyrinth

Workforce development and adult education service providers frequently grapple with the intricate task of fiscal and grant tracking. Juggling funds...

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apprenticeship statistics

1 min read

10 Amazing Stats Highlighting Value of Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Happy National Apprenticeship Week! This important event serves as a yearly reminder of the vital role apprenticeships play in strengthening our...

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new grants for workforce and adult ed

2 min read

Fall 2023 Funding Roundup

Subscribe to the myOneFlow newsletter and join the WIOA Management Professionals LinkedIn group to get automatic updates about new funding...

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trends in adult education

4 min read

5 Emerging Trends in Adult Education

In today’s rapidly changing world, adult educators must be on the cutting edge of education trends to give their students the highest chance for...

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5 min read

20 Ways to Use WIOA Funds for Outreach & Advertising

The U.S. Department of Labor recently released a new Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL), TEGL 03:23, to provide workforce agencies and...

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