myOneFlow Blog

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Workforce Development

the future of american job centers

5 min read

The Future of AJCs: Rethinking Accessible Career Services

The rapid evolution of technology offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance the services provided by American Job Centers (AJCs). In this blog,...

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4 min read

4 Reasons to Embrace the Future of Public Service Delivery

Government social services are crucial in supporting individuals and families in need, providing resources and assistance to significantly improve...

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adult ed and workforce organizations collaborating

4 min read

Workforce Development + Adult Education: Collaboration for Max Impact

In today's rapidly shifting job market, the collaboration between adult education programs and workforce development organizations is crucial for...

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5 min read

20 Ways to Use WIOA Funds for Outreach & Advertising

The U.S. Department of Labor recently released a new Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL), TEGL 03:23, to provide workforce agencies and...

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Unraveling Measurable Skills Gains: How to Simplify WIOA Performance Reporting

4 min read

Unraveling Skills Gains: How to Simplify WIOA Performance Reporting

Measurable Skills Gains (MSGs) are a fundamental aspect of evaluating participant progression in WIOA-funded programs and constitute a significant...

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myOneFlow summer funding roundup

2 min read

Summer 2023 Funding Roundup

Subscribe to the myOneFlow newsletter and join the WIOA Management Professionals LinkedIn group to get automatic updates about new funding...

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3 min read

Acing the Audit: The Secret to Stress-Free WIOA Compliance

If you're a workforce or adult ed program receiving WIOA funding, chances are you're audited annually. While the thought of audits might conjure...

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spring 2023 grant opportunities for workforce development

1 min read

Spring 2023 Funding Roundup

Subscribe to the myOneFlow newsletter and join the WIOA Management Professionals LinkedIn group to get automatic updates about new funding...

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technology and the labor movement

4 min read

The Impact of Technology on the Labor Movement

The labor movement has been a vital force in advocating for the rights and well-being of workers since its inception during the Industrial...

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2 min read

5 Best Practices for a Scalable & Successful Apprenticeship Program

Apprenticeships provide an excellent opportunity for employers and job seekers to build long-term, mutually beneficial relationships. By combining...

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