myOneFlow Blog

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the future of american job centers

5 min read

The Future of AJCs: Rethinking Accessible Career Services

The rapid evolution of technology offers unprecedented opportunities to enhance the services provided by American Job Centers (AJCs). In this blog,...

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4 min read

4 Reasons to Embrace the Future of Public Service Delivery

Government social services are crucial in supporting individuals and families in need, providing resources and assistance to significantly improve...

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trends in adult education

4 min read

5 Emerging Trends in Adult Education

In today’s rapidly changing world, adult educators must be on the cutting edge of education trends to give their students the highest chance for...

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technology and the labor movement

4 min read

The Impact of Technology on the Labor Movement

The labor movement has been a vital force in advocating for the rights and well-being of workers since its inception during the Industrial...

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workforce development 2023

3 min read

4 Ways Workforce Development Is Changing in 2023

The U.S. workforce has experienced rapid change since the onset of the pandemic in 2020. Between the transition to virtual/hybrid work, the immense...

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