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Grant Tracking

fiscal and grant tracking

4 min read

Modernizing Grant Tracking for Service Providers: Navigating Fiscal Labyrinth

Workforce development and adult education service providers frequently grapple with the intricate task of fiscal and grant tracking. Juggling funds...

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5 min read

20 Ways to Use WIOA Funds for Outreach & Advertising

The U.S. Department of Labor recently released a new Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL), TEGL 03:23, to provide workforce agencies and...

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3 min read

Acing the Audit: The Secret to Stress-Free WIOA Compliance

If you're a workforce or adult ed program receiving WIOA funding, chances are you're audited annually. While the thought of audits might conjure...

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strengthening community colleges training grants

1 min read

DOL Awards Round 3 of Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants

Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Labor awarded 15 grants to community colleges in the third round of the Strengthening Community Colleges...

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national apprenticeship week 2022 logo

1 min read

Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week 2022

We are thrilled to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week! This critical effort of the United States Department of Labor is crucial in rebuilding our...

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1 min read

An Enhanced Apprenticeship Tracking Solution

Have a registered apprenticeship program but don’t know how to efficiently go about the whole process now because of the pandemic? What if there was...

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