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usdol apprenticeship changes

5 min read

Unpacking the USDOL's Proposed Apprenticeship Enhancements

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has initiated a bold step toward modernizing the National Apprenticeship System with a newly proposed rule that...

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apprenticeship statistics

1 min read

10 Amazing Stats Highlighting Value of Registered Apprenticeship Programs

Happy National Apprenticeship Week! This important event serves as a yearly reminder of the vital role apprenticeships play in strengthening our...

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registered apprenticeship compliance guide

Registered Apprenticeship Programs: A Guide to Compliance

To maintain their status and funding eligibility, Registered Apprenticeship Programs must adhere to federally-mandated compliance requirements....

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2 min read

5 Best Practices for a Scalable & Successful Apprenticeship Program

Apprenticeships provide an excellent opportunity for employers and job seekers to build long-term, mutually beneficial relationships. By combining...

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a magnifying glass on a keyboard

3 min read

Research Identifies 4 Characteristics of Successful Apprenticeship Programs

The Department of Labor (DOL) released new research on the effectiveness of Registered Apprenticeship Programs (RAPs). The research was gathered from...

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workforce development month

2 min read

September Is National Workforce Development Month

Workforce Development Month was started in 2005 by the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP). The goal was to raise...

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2 min read

The History of the National Apprenticeship Act

The history of apprenticeships in America is as old as the nation itself. British artisans and tradespeople came to the colonies to help build and...

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an apprentice welder using tools in a classroom

5 min read

How An Apprenticeship Can Help Your Business Combat the Labor Shortage

Since the pandemic, businesses have been facing an unprecedented labor shortage. As of June 2022, there were almost twice as many job openings as...

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national apprenticeship week 2022 logo

1 min read

Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week 2022

We are thrilled to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week! This critical effort of the United States Department of Labor is crucial in rebuilding our...

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1 min read

An Enhanced Apprenticeship Tracking Solution

Have a registered apprenticeship program but don’t know how to efficiently go about the whole process now because of the pandemic? What if there was...

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