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DOL Awards Round 3 of Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants

DOL Awards Round 3 of Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants

Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Labor awarded 15 grants to community colleges in the third round of the Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants (SCC3). The goal of the SCC3 grants is to support community colleges in developing programs that address equity gaps and work to remove barriers to career development for marginalized populations. A total of $50 million was awarded to grantees in 14 states. The grantees are a combination of consortiums and individual institutions with proposed designs representing a variety of industry sectors, including healthcare, advanced manufacturing, and information technology. 

The Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants is an initiative of the Biden-Harris administration to strengthen the workforce while increasing access to good-paying jobs, particularly to individuals from underrepresented communities.  

In a statement regarding the program, Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh said, “The Biden-Harris administration wants to build community college capacity for in-demand skills training through strategic partnerships between industry, education and the workforce system, and the department’s Strengthening Community Colleges Training Grants respond to these challenges.”

The first two rounds of grants were awarded in January 2021 and September 2022, respectively. Visit the Department of Labor's website for more information.

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