myOneFlow Blog

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3 min read

How Tech Can Make Adult Education Programs More Equitable & Accessible

Adult learners make up almost 40% of the student population in higher education, and adult education is critical to the overall reskilling and upskilling of the American workforce. While work experience and maturity can be valuable assets to job...

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wioa case management

3 min read

4 Signs You Need to Modernize Your WIOA Case Management Solution

In an age of sleek software, automated processes, and personalized workflows, we expect a certain level of sophistication from our technology. We...

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an apprentice welder using tools in a classroom

5 min read

How An Apprenticeship Can Help Your Business Combat the Labor Shortage

Since the pandemic, businesses have been facing an unprecedented labor shortage. As of June 2022, there were almost twice as many job openings as...

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national apprenticeship week 2022 logo

1 min read

Celebrating National Apprenticeship Week 2022

We are thrilled to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week! This critical effort of the United States Department of Labor is crucial in rebuilding our...

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cartoon of man sitting at computer

2 min read

Adult Ed Programs: Use Virtual to Your Advantage

Because of how the world is shifting today, you might be thinking, “What’s the best way to modify my whole adult ed program and all the processes...

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1 min read

An Enhanced Apprenticeship Tracking Solution

Have a registered apprenticeship program but don’t know how to efficiently go about the whole process now because of the pandemic? What if there was...

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Collaborative Partnership to Drive Program Improvement

The WIOA presents opportunities and challenges. As state and local programs become familiar with the implementation requirements, next steps often...

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2 min read

Information Silos: The Most Prominent Impediment in Adult Ed Programs

Adult education programs face challenges that are grossly ignored and not being discussed in the public domain and hence fail to garner attention. In...

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