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Going ALL IN for Adult Literacy: Key Takeaways from ProLiteracy 2022

Going ALL IN for Adult Literacy: Key Takeaways from ProLiteracy 2022

Last week, the myOneFlow team attended the ProLiteracy Conference in San Antonio. There were many great speakers and workshops around numerous important topics, including equity & access, fundraising, digital tools, program management, and more, but the overarching theme was collaboration.

This is such a critical conversation to be having around our national adult education and literacy efforts. It’s easy for organizations and practitioners to experience a disconnect from each other. Still, lasting, systemic change is contingent on successful collaboration between all stakeholders, including nonprofits, community colleges, policymakers, instructors, and learners.

Coordinated Collaboration to Drive Change

We love that this idea is gaining traction in the adult education space, and we really enjoyed hearing all the different perspectives and strategies for increased collaboration at the conference. We were especially inspired by the ALL IN session, an informative panel discussion with leading representatives from national organizations, including:

  • Mark Vineis, ProLiteracy
  • Don Finn, COABE
  • Priyanka Sharma, World Education
  • Federico Salas-Isnardi, Houston Mayor’s Office for Adult Literacy
  • Deborah Kennedy, National Coalition for Literacy
  • Felicia Cumings-Smith, National Center for Families Learning

The panel members represented a portion of the Adult Literacy and Learning Impact Network (ALL IN) Council. This group of advocates, practitioners, and policymakers is leading the implementation of the National Action Plan for Adult Literacy (NAP). NAP is a five-pronged initiative through the Barbara Bush Foundation dedicated to transforming adult and family literacy through inclusive, collective action. At the ALL IN session, we heard about some of the exciting measures the ALL IN Council has taken recently and has planned for the future.

Our Shared Vision 

The NAP’s multi-pronged approach to adult education and literacy reform involves advocacy, awareness, research, funding, and program support. As both a grassroots and grasstops campaign, it has the power to transform family literacy in the United States through targeted action and strategic collaboration between stakeholders. ALL IN endeavors to support this initiative through a variety of goals, including: 

  • Identify and promote best practices 
  • Facilitate cooperation among stakeholders 
  • Report progress against goals 
  • Celebrate innovation 

myOneFlow is fully aligned with the vision of ALL IN, and we’re proud to do our part to connect service providers and clients within a collaborative network. We’ve seen what’s possible when organizations come together to address common community goals, and we can’t wait to see the continued positive impact and ripple effects that ALL IN will have on family literacy. 

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