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3 Key Takeaways from COABE 2023

3 Key Takeaways from COABE 2023

Last week, the myOneFlow team attended the 2023 COABE (Coalition on Adult Basic Education) national conference in Atlanta. This year’s theme was “Elevate to a Higher Level,” with presentations and panel discussions on various topics centered on elevating the student experience and improving outcomes for adult learners. It was great to touch in with our network and make new connections, and we left feeling energized and inspired. Here are 3 key takeaways from our time at COABE.

1. Adult edtech should solve a specific problem

There was a lot of collective excitement around the transformative potential of adult edtech, but we also heard experts express caution over using too many digital tools without clear objectives. To ensure that technology is an asset and not a burden, it’s critical to identify the “why” behind the tool’s usage. Simply using technology for its own sake can lead to overwhelm and redundancies, especially if trying to incorporate multiple platforms. Having a specific purpose behind each digital tool helps to focus on achieving learning objectives, ensures relevance, promotes efficiency, and allows for effective assessment of the tool's impact on teaching and learning.

2. Personalize the adult learner’s experience to promote equity & access

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to adult education. To prioritize equity and access in adult education, it's important to create a personalized learning environment that values the diversity of learners and removes barriers to entry. Providing tailored support services, such as counseling, tutoring, and career services, can help address adult learners' unique needs and challenges and help them succeed in their educational and career goals. We also heard some great insights into how technology can personalize the student experience by more effectively meeting adult learners where they’re at and providing tailored support when they need it the most. 

3. The importance of using modern adult ed data management software

Throughout the presentations and collective discourse, we saw an emphasis on the importance of capturing and analyzing real-time data rather than only reporting on what is required for NRS. Data can help adult educators make informed decisions about instructional strategies, program design, and resource allocation. For example, real-time data can be used to track the progress of adult learners, allowing educators to identify areas where learners are struggling and provide targeted support. By analyzing data on learner performance, educator effectiveness, and program outcomes, educators can make data-driven decisions that are likely to improve the effectiveness of their programs.

Supporting the Evolution of Adult Education

At myOneFlow, we have revolutionized the adult edtech space with a first-of-its-kind platform that uses AI-powered workflows to serve students, staff, administrators, and external partners in one unified system. myOneFlow is unique in its ability to intuitively guide students through enrollment and program completion while automatically collecting required data for performance reporting. Admins can generate and export NRS tables with the click of a button, use pipeline reports for real-time insights into program health, and more. We’re excited about the momentum behind adult edtech, and we’re excited to see the continued digital transformation of adult education organizations. 

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