5-Step Guide to Increasing WIOA Program Retention

5-Step Guide to Increasing WIOA Program Retention

Maintaining program retention is one of the leading challenges faced by WIOA service providers. Most outcomes tracked for WIOA performance reporting are measured at program exit or post-exit. However, inputs for each reporting period are determined by drivers of performance that happen in the earlier stages of the participant’s journey, often based on a long period of engagement. This reactive approach to measuring program effectiveness makes it difficult for providers to understand the “why” behind outcomes and make meaningful, data-driven changes to processes.

However, understanding and improving program retention doesn’t have to be complicated.

Download this guide for 5 simple, actionable steps your organization can take to more effectively measure, track, and improve program retention and participant outcomes.


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Unraveling Skills Gains: How to Simplify WIOA Performance Reporting

Unraveling Skills Gains: How to Simplify WIOA Performance Reporting

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Acing the Audit: The Secret to Stress-Free WIOA Compliance

Acing the Audit: The Secret to Stress-Free WIOA Compliance

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