Program Retention Enhancement

Experience a powerful suite of features designed to drive program success & positive client outcomes.

Free PDF Guide: 5 Steps to Increasing WIOA Program Retention


Adult Education

myOneFlow's SIS + course enrollment management offer unparalleled insight into program health and student journeys. Attendance tracking, real-time analytics & customizable communications allow staff to identify potential problems and deliver early interventions.

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Workforce Development

Increased program capacity and success rate start with retention. myOneFlow is the only WIOA case management solution that provides real-time program insights and AI-powered automation to deliver an intuitive, personalized experience that keeps clients engaged and on track.

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#1 Case Management Solution for
Workforce & Adult Ed

Maximize your impact with cutting-edge automation that delivers personalized support exactly when it's needed.

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Features for Clients

Simplified Intake Process

Clients are guided through a single smart intake form that only shows relevant questions based on their previous answers. 


Increase digital access and meet clients where they're at. myOneFlow works seamlessly on all mobile and tablet devices and is also available as an app.

AI-Powered Personalization

Rules-based workflows guide clients and students to relevant resources and opportunities based on their self-reported goals, skills & background.


Features for Staff

Early Alerts

Early interventions make all the difference. Set up staff notifications to catch red flags such as poor attendance, low test scores, or incomplete forms.

Automatic Nudges

Encourage clients with positive reinforcement & send reminders when they're getting off track. All communications can be automated based on selected triggers.

Advanced Reporting & Analytics

Use pipeline reports & milestone maps for actionable, real-time insights into client progression and program health.

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Ready to get started?

Chat with our team of experts to learn more or to schedule a free, personalized demo.

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