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myOneFlow Healthcare Management Solution

Learn why myOneFlow is the leader in healthcare applications.

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myOneFlow provides a single application for attorneys to complete all the required forms, paperwork and signatures on behalf of the applicants.

Applicants may also provide necessary documents online and see their application status in real-time.



myOneFlow's student loan repayment system helps keep applicants on track by registering, submitting all supporting documents and tracking their application progress online.

Employers can review applicants and provide required information, all to be reviewed seamlessly by staff.



Track your National Interest Waiver applicants and easily determine eligibility through configured workflows that capture your applicants required information and documents online.

myOneFlow helps collect all required signatures for documents like the Affirmation Statement, the employer and more!

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myOneFlow’s configurable workflows allow a single solution to be deployed across the entire department of health.

If you have an application workflow that requires forms to be complete, documents signed and verified, we can help!




A Better Way To Collect Data

Imagine if you had a way to transform your applicant, attorney, employer and staff processes to be completely virtual and operate seamlessly. myOneFlow’s powerful workflows enable you to decide the right steps to be completed at the right time to keep things moving along.

myOneFlow's healthcare management solution collects all required data elements throughout the applicants journey by connecting applicants to recommended forms and services through our AI rules based engine. Staff no longer are required to take hours completing spreadsheets to manage all the moving parts!


Digital Forms & Online Signatures

Gone are the days of hoping applicants or attorneys fill out the right paperwork and sign the required areas. myOneFlow processes all online forms into a digital output for signatures.

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Unified Staff Efforts

myOneFlow makes it easy for your staff to centralize your programs information, plans and progression in a single place. 

Our healthcare applicant solution offers comprehensive tracking capabilities that meet state and federal requirements. myOneFlow's unique workflows put the power in the hands of your staff to keep informed on the next steps you and your applicants need to take.


Features You'll Love

Document Management

myOneFlow provides an easy way for attorneys, physicians & applicants to upload requested documents from any device


Send communications to attorneys, applicants, employers or staff on an individual or mass basis via email, text or internal messages

Appointments & Services

Applicants will be able to make appointments for recommended services and receive reminders

Fiscal Tracking

Manage multiple funding sources, programs overall budgets, and allocation of funds.

Forms & Online Signatures

Applicants & attorneys may complete all required forms online and finalize them through output forms and signatures

Reporting & Analytics

Easily access the data that your office needs to better understand service outcomes and make your data actionable


Ready to start?

Our team of experts look forward to hearing from you!


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